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США (Work and Travel, летняя работа в лагерях, стажировка) Великобритания - специализация: гостиничный сервис, поварское дело, изучение английского языка Англия - сельхоз работы Канада - работа на горнолыжных курортах Мальта (обучение) Италия (обучение, стажировка) Австралия (обучение, отдых) Франция (обучение, стажировка)  
  Программы международного студенческого обмена работа студентов границей work travel camp america lingvaviva malta france australia sandwich course трудоустройство великобритании  



Medical staff

If you are an applicant with at least 3 years experience as nurses (preferably psychiatric and geriatric) and speak good English, we can place you in the UK.

Senior carers/carers will be required to:
1 to provide direct care to residents (bathing, washing, feeding etc)
2 to ensure that the residents, physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual needs are met at all times
3 to ensure that the respect, privacy and dignity of residents is maintained
4 to devise and carry out care plans on an individual basis for each resident
5 to take part in residents, reviews to ensure that they receive the level of care appropriate to their needs
6 to take part in admission and discharge procedures in compliance with the company's guidelines
7 to supervise the administration of medication as required, in accordance with company guidelines
8 to act as key worker to nominated residents and lead resident groups as
9 to arrange and participate in social activities, including fundraising
10 to undertake domestic duties as required
11 to be familiar with the Health & Safety at Work policy, carry out your duties in a manner that complies with its requirements and take all reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and others at work
12 to be responsible for your own personal development under the guidance of your line manager, which will include the use of a personal development diary
14 to contribute to staff receiving induction and ongoing training
15 to liaise with residents families and outsider agencies and other related duties; normal working hours 32-40/week, salary Ј5.05-5.75

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